Welcome to the GAME3, join us on CoD Elite. If you want to check out HMB, http://www.hitmanbros.com/ <------------------------------------- Here is the link to there website. Make sure you also follow there rules.
Every Clan, well at least some clans, have rules. Here are the rules for GAME3,
1.) Be respectful, We hate that we are doing so well in a game, then a clan mate brings us down.
2.) It is a game, don't get mad, unless this is your off day or a rainy day.
3.) Be a team player. Please use a stinger or something to take out enemy kill streak. If you don't want to do that, make call outs. We are tying new strategy for the clan so that we can be the grates of all time.
4.) Do you need elite premium. Naaaaa, if you don't got the money for elite or the maps, it is fine. You don't need to be a upper mid class in america to be in the clan you know.
5.) Do you need to buy any equipment for gaming with us. Nope, it would help, but you don't need to.
6.) No voice changer, we can barley hear you if you use that.
7.) This is For PSN users. But the clan can be use for Xbox 360 members, PC members, and Wii members. I doubt that there will be anybody from the Wii that plays CoD. But if you are, that is fine.
8.) No gliches, hacks, or modz. Unless the clan leader, vice leader, co leader, or the top players can vote and agree that it is okay. But by far NO HACKS. Hackers are cheaters and they don't deserve to play. It takes them to get to the maximum level and the maximum prestige in 2 minutes. But for a lot of kids, teen, adults, and some times elders take them about a whole year to do that. That is Unfair. But there is one thing we got to admit.
9.) Life isn't fair. And when it comes to gaming, The other clans and players won't take pity on us, so make sure you put on your try hard mode. But some times, you, I, or we can goof off sometimes.
10.) MOST IMPORTANTLY, HAVE FUN. Don't struggle with yourself. That is why you bought the game right.
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