Hydro looks like a Call of Duty 4 Downpour map.
Grind looks like a city
Downhill looks like the 2nd mission in the campaign. But the first Futuristic Mission in the campaign
Mirage looks like a remake of one of the Asia Maps in CoD 5 World at War, also one of our favorites.
Die Rise looks like ether a remake of Dierise from WaW or takes place somewhere in Germany or some where in the Middle East in my opinion.
and the new Peacekeeper SMG kind of looks like a futuristic K2 from all the FPS games on the PC/MAC
But Who knows, we might get that SMG, we might get 1 gun from every Category, or something a little bit more. Or this Picture could be false. But we don't know for sure.
I have something really good for you guys in CoDZombies. In Black Ops 2. When you can afford enough to pack a punch you gun for 5000 points, you can pack a punch it again for cheap. only 3000 points. How did I notice this. I was board and I played CoDZombies. So I had enough points and I bought the pack a punch for the RPD and the M8A1. Then I was going to experiment again to see if you could pack a punch it again for the M8A1. Turns out I could. For cheap. I don't know if you guys herd of it. But I discovered this my myself, no YouTube or Google or any thing. I found this out by myself. But tell me if you guys ever herd of it.
This is thegamingcell signing out.
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